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Showing posts from June, 2011

Romney on abortion

Romney's going to take a hit on this one, but I think he's right to stand where he is.   According to Fox , he's decided NOT to sign a Susan B. Anthony list pledge.  You'd think that would be odd for him, since he's already got a reputation as a waffler on the abortion issue.  Conservatives are having a hard time believing his late conversion to purity on the issue (he maintains he's always been privately pro-life, but because of a family situation decided not to oppose the pro-choice camp), and make no mistake, the Conservatives which require strict purity on this matter are numerous enough to decide his nomination.  But this organization, named after the famously pro-life suffragette, is pushing more than purity, it's pushing pro-activity on a scale a president should never tie himself down to. Now to a pro-life supporter like me, the pledge sounds reasonable enough when it comes to appointing Originalist judges with a philosophy of judicial restraint, an...