Wow, has it really been this long since I've posted anything? I have GOT to make this more regular... So the whole Romney leading the Republican pack thing has generated questions about Mormonism, some from genuinely curious people, others from gotcha artists trying to get attention by making the candidate stumble or handle something gauchely. For the most part, Romney's been equally artful at closing down the situation, usually with a terse "I'm not answering questions about my faith right now?" On the right, however, whenever situations make the news, the inevitable anti-Mormon attack squad comes out, followed by the defenders (some equally combative, and others simply standing up for their beliefs in a peaceful non-contentious manner). Myself, I probably fall in between. In a face-to-face situation, I generally judge if the person with tough questions is genuinely curious or not, and if they are, I'll take all the time necessary to help them understan...
Candid evaluation of assumptions as well as musings on consequences of political, religious, moral, scientific, linguistic and literary truths and pretensions thereto. Dissecting representations, critiquing arguments, discussing liberty, equality, justice, faith, values, facts, and the principles and institutions that make them all possible.