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Showing posts from November, 2016

Southern Poverty Hypocrisy Cecity

Quick post today.  A friend with good intentions posted a list of 10 things we can do to combat hate published by the Southern Poverty Law Center , or SPLC  here .  It's got some good suggestions for empowering people when something truly racist or bigoted happens in their communities.  However, while failing miserably to maintain a veneer of objective neutrality, it let slip the following belly-laugh-inspiring list of criteria exposing its massive leftist leaning, apparently with complete blindness to its own hypocrisy: Though their views may be couched in code words, members of hate groups typically share these extremist views: • They want to limit the rights of certain groups. • They want to divide society along racial, ethnic or religious lines. • They believe in conspiracies. • They try to silence any opposition. • They are antigovernment and fundamentalist. By their own definition, even with the most charitable reading of the criteria, the SPL...