Without any sense whatsoever of his own irony, Imgur user WildYucatanMan wanted to do the world a service and make a handy dandy infographic to "help" people distinguish between the various editorial orientations of popular online sources. Here's his take on the media outlet scene: If you get lost in the weeds of his content, you might be tempted to note the ostensible effort toward balance and some kind of rationale for placing outlets along spectra according to ideology and journalistic depth. And while arguing with WildYucatanMan's judgment about which outlets are obviously in the wrong place is certainly also fair game, it's missing the ironic point entirely. This infographic is not the ANTIDOTE for fake news, it's the PRIME EXAMPLE of why fake news is a problem to begin with! Did you notice that there's no one signing his/her actual name to the grid? An anonymous source is by definition disreputable until vetted, is it not? Even if the an...
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