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Showing posts from 2018

#MeToo and Truth

1. The "this" when they say "this could ruin his life" is an accusation.  This "it" when you say "without acknowledging it already ruined hers" is an attempted rape.  The two are not equivalent, therefore we have to temper the assumptions of both sides by examining a hypothetical under both conditions of possible truth values: If the accusation is true, most would say his life deserved to be ruined.  If the accusation is false hers was not already ruined, but deserves to be now. 2. The age of the perpetrator and victim rightly speak to both maturity level (which provides some context for why both were drinking, why both might not have the awareness to avoid a compromising situation, and why one might have impulse control issues compounded by alcohol) and level of accountability (we have special courts to determine guilt and sentencing for minors for this very purpose) but not to severity of crime or emotional impact of the events.  No one sho...

Moral Relativism and Holocaust Denial

American university students are getting more rigidly dogmatic when it comes to a progressive worldview.  Activism, and a leftist bent has been a feature of college life since prior to the Soviet Union, of course, but there has never been a time like today when only students who seek it out by getting an education where conservatism is explicitly part of their university's institutional identity have access to conservative ideas in their classrooms. While the left has a stranglehold on academics, and a near total lock on theory in the humanities and social sciences, there have been at least a critical mass, up until this decade at least, of balancing academics who don't feel threatened by the existence of ideas they don't agree with, even if their goal is to indoctrinate their students into believing that their political opposition is not only wrong, but anathema.  And there still exists a faction within today's liberal arts faculty bodies who believe that exposure...

Gun control Propaganda Examined

A facebook reply I decided to post here instead of with the liberal friend. I'm just looking at these and finding out if they're true. Some of them aren't very balanced. 1. No background check required for "private" sales: true, but that's actually pretty standard US-wide because the state has no way to effectively know when a private sale takes place. A friend can sell/give a gun to a friend (or anyone, really) and the only way the govt would know is if they were honest enough to report it themselves. There's a lot of selling of cars that also goes on without the govt being able to do much about it. Also, it's important to remember that "private" is a special legal term here and its opposite is NOT "public" like you might expect. Private just means someone too small fry to need a license to sell. I'm sure some abuse the category and avoid needing a licens...

Political Correctness vs. Respect For One's Political Opponents

University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson has become something of a youtube sensation for his hardline stance against political correctness and its divisive and liberty-curtailing logic. When asked by a fellow panelist on Bill Maher's profanity-encouraged HBO talk show,  Real Time , how he squares this seeming promotion of offending with a concern he voices about giving American Trump-supporters an off-ramp in the event that Trump is impeached or otherwise removed from office, he seems to fumble the logic football a little. How I would have responded? Liberals choose to believe in an ideology that confines individuals to groups with assigned collective grievances.  Their choice leads them to believe that anyone calling into question those grievances or their assignment to a given group can only do so out of a hatred of that group even though that hatred may be disguised to varying degrees.  It is completely consistent with this choice of core...


We interrupt this gun-fetishist fantasy to remind you that the reason a trained & capable police officer had to shoot & kill a child is because the child was able to get a gun & bring it to school. Also: The armed police officer's presence did not deter the child from doing so. — Jon Zal (@OfficialJonZal) March 20, 2018 Um...Actually, we interrupt this dangerously naive virtue-signaling fantasy to remind you that the reason a trained and capable police officer could prevent the deaths of the innocent children around him was because he had the proper tool to defend them. Also: Neither Maryland's current prohibition on guns in schools , nor current federal laws prohibiting handgun sales to minors deterred the child evildoer from bringing a gun to school. Only the gun in the hands of the good guy prevented more blood on the hands of the bad guy.