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Showing posts from May, 2019

Objective Morality and Why Laws Against Prostitution Aren't Anti-Liberty

Adult topic coming up below... The first principle of morality is liberty (moral agency). The first principle of liberty is morality. Said another way, there are two fundamental truths connecting morality with liberty: 1. The degree to which people aren't free to determine right from wrong for themselves is the degree to which they are not free to choose the right, therefore all moral choices are premised on the free risk that they might choose wrong if left to; 2. While individuals must have the freedom to choose in order for any right option to be chosen, one of the consequences of choosing wrong is always a limiting of freedoms. Part of the extremely confusing problem of these principles intertwined in this way is that it's super easy to believe illusions about what's right and what's wrong, to be in denial about whether something's wrong, or about the consequences of choosing wrong.  And to further complicate things, we're living in a state of: 1. sus...