So for a while now I've been seeing some charts put out by the Obama campaign to try to sway independents on issues they think they're vulnerable to Romney on, as the presumptive nominee at this point. I've been waiting on commentary from the conservative blogosphere and talk radio, but not a lot has been forthcoming. The charts look damning for Republicans, until you put them in context. This is the way to beat all liberal thought, I've decided: just find the context they've conveniently elided, and they come undone themselves.
I'm just going to tackle the recent one now on oil production under Obama.
So here goes...
Chart 1:
Wow, we've been boosting production. Except, the context is this: drilling moratoriums in the gulf, the keystone pipeline stalled, and frequent bad-mouthing of fossil fuels (including cap-and-tax proposals) on the part of Obama's policies.
Oh yeah, and turns out he's trying to take credit for success that has gone on IN SPITE of his context...Oil production HE controls (on Federal land) has TANKED, whereas oil production on land he CAN'T control as easily (or yet)--PRIVATE land--is what has brought production in total up.
Go figure...
See here for the last graph's full post.